Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Poetry and a Pint - Bath - 14/09/2009

Poetry and a Pint was one of the poetry cafes where I first read some of my poems when I lived in the Southwest.

Returning there, as a featured poet, to read for the first time the sequence "The Rivers of Hades", was something that I felt with a particular intensity.

I read the Poems:

- Lethe, The River
- Styx
- Phlegethon, The River of Flame
- Acheron, The River of Woe
- Kokytos, the River of Lamentation
- The Secret River

Poetry and a Pint - hosted by Richard Carder
Every second Monday of each month (except August) 8:00 PM
Address: St James Wine Vaults
10 St. Jamess Square, Lower Lansdown

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